• Mr. Kuo-Chih Shih joined SAFN as a visiting scholar from National Taiwan University. He is an experienced Ph.D. student in the field of neutron and X-ray scattering and will be at UConn for the next two years with us.
  • Ms. Wafa Aresh (BME PhD) has defend her dissertation.
  • Mr. B. Kngrloo (Materials Science PhD student) joined SAFN in Spring 2015. He got his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from IAU, Science and Research Branch, Tehran in polymer engineering field.
  • Dr. Nieh gave talks at:
    • 30, 2015 New Jersey Institute of Technology “Properties and Applications of Well-Defined Self-Assembled Lipid Nanodiscs (Bicelles)”, Newark, NJ.
    • 25, 2015 Pfizer Inc.  “Small Angle X-ray Scattering”, Groton, CT.
    • 25, 2015 Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress  “Single-Step Formation and Cellular Response of Vesicles and Disk-like Bicelles”, Boston, MA
    • 12, 2015 NCS4: Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Workshop (Stony Brook University) “Controlling Self-Assembled Lipid-Based Nanoparticles for Theranostic and Nanobiosensing Material”, Stony Brook, NY
    • 1, 2015 Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (Chinese Academy of Science) “Properties of Self-Assembled Discoidal Bicelles and Their Potential Applications in Bionanotechnology”, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
    • May 29, 2015 Lanzhou University, School of Nuclear Science & Technology “Properties of Self-Assembled Discoidal Bicelles and Their Potential Applications in Bionanotechnology”, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
    • May 16, 2015 UCONN Mentor Connection Program (Exploring Expertise) “Engineering Lipid Mixtures into Well-Defined Nanoparticles”, Storrs, CT
    • 22, 2015 American Chemical Society (Colloid and Surface Chemistry) “Cellular uptake mechanisms as controlled by nanostructures of a lipid mixture: Comparison between bicelles and vesicles”, Denver, CO
    • 3, 2015 Iona College, Department of Chemistry “Building up Lipid-Legos and Their Applications”, New Rochelle, NY