Mr. Kuo-Chih Shih joined SAFN as a visiting scholar from National Taiwan University. He is an experienced Ph.D. student in the field of neutron and X-ray scattering and will be at UConn for the next two years with us.
Ms. Wafa Aresh (BME PhD)has defend her dissertation.
Mr. B. Kngrloo (Materials Science PhD student) joined SAFN in Spring 2015. He got his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from IAU, Science and Research Branch, Tehran in polymer engineering field.
Dr. Nieh gave talks at:
30, 2015 New Jersey Institute of Technology “Properties and Applications of Well-Defined Self-Assembled Lipid Nanodiscs (Bicelles)”, Newark, NJ.
25, 2015 Pfizer Inc. “Small Angle X-ray Scattering”, Groton, CT.
25, 2015 Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress “Single-Step Formation and Cellular Response of Vesicles and Disk-like Bicelles”, Boston, MA
12, 2015 NCS4: Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Workshop (Stony Brook University) “Controlling Self-Assembled Lipid-Based Nanoparticles for Theranostic and Nanobiosensing Material”, Stony Brook, NY
1, 2015 Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (Chinese Academy of Science) “Properties of Self-Assembled Discoidal Bicelles and Their Potential Applications in Bionanotechnology”, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
May 29, 2015 Lanzhou University, School of Nuclear Science & Technology “Properties of Self-Assembled Discoidal Bicelles and Their Potential Applications in Bionanotechnology”, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
May 16, 2015 UCONN Mentor Connection Program (Exploring Expertise) “Engineering Lipid Mixtures into Well-Defined Nanoparticles”, Storrs, CT
22, 2015 American Chemical Society (Colloid and Surface Chemistry) “Cellular uptake mechanisms as controlled by nanostructures of a lipid mixture: Comparison between bicelles and vesicles”, Denver, CO
3, 2015 Iona College, Department of Chemistry “Building up Lipid-Legos and Their Applications”, New Rochelle, NY