- Mr. Mingze Sun and Ms. Nianci (Ivy) Zhang and Mr. Yue Bao (all BME graduates) joined SAFN in Fall 2013.
- Ms. Catherine Oliver (BME, undergraduate), Ms. Naomi Tennakoon and Mr. Nicholas Fleming (both CBE, undergraduates) joined SAFN in Fall 2013.
- The installation of the Bruker Nanostar SAXS instrument (located at IMS, UCONN) was completed in Aug, 2013.
- A research highlight of “New Design of Nanodiscs and Nano-Vesicles to Target Disease” was posted on the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department News (July 24, 2013)
- Prof. Nieh delivered a presentation on “Principle & Application of Nano-Materials in Biomedical Engineering” at the 2013 summer workshop held by UCONN da Vinci Project at the School of Engineering (July 12, 2013).
- UCONN Mentor Connection Program (from 7/8 to 7/26/2013) – welcome Suzanne Hyman (Suki) to join our group.
- Prof. Nieh taught “Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)” and demonstrated neutron diffraction experiment on shear alignable membranes at the12th Canadian Neutron Scattering Summer School organized by Canadian Institute of Neutron Scattering (6/3-7/2013).
- Mr. Kamil Charubin, Mr. Michael Rottier, Mr. Paul Molinaro, Ms. Victoria Drake (CBE, undergraduates) joined SAFN (June 2013).
- Prof. Nieh received the “2012-2013 Director’s Award for Faculty Excellence” Polymer Program, IMS, UCONN (May 2013).
- Prof. Nieh gave an invited presentation on “Self-Assembled Lipid-Based Nanodiscs and Nanovesicles – Fundamental Understanding, Applications and Manufacturing” at the Department of Chemistry of UMass Lowell on April 4, 2013.
- Ms.Ying Liu, Ms. Hyun-Sook Jang and Prof. Nieh gave three presentations at 2013 APS March Meeting (3/18-22/2013).
- Prof. Nieh gave an invited presentation on “Controlling Nanodisc-to-Nanovesicle Formation and Implication of Its Applications” at Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on Feb. 7, 2013.
- Prof. Nieh joined the department of BME in Spring 2013.
- Ms. Wafa Aresh (a BME graduate student) joined SAFN in Spring 2013.
- Mr. Noel Cielo (a CBE undergraduate) joined SAFN in Spring 2013.