Prof. Nieh delivered a presentation on “Principle & Application of Nano-Materials in Biomedical Engineering” at the 2013 summer workshop held by UCONN da Vinci Project at the School of Engineering (July 12, 2013).
Mr. Ming Li returned China for physical rehabilitation on Dec 5, 2012.
Prof. Nieh gave an invited presentation – “Self-Assembled Structures, Kinetics & Applications of a Phospholipid Mixture – Bicelle” at the Department of Chemistry, Emory University on November 28, 2012.
Ms. Yan Xia (a CBE graduate student) joined SAFN in Fall 2012.
Prof. Nieh gave an invited presentation – “From Fundamental Understanding of Lipid Mixtures to Their Applications” at the Department of Physics, University of Tennessee. on Nov. 29, 2011.
NSF(CMMI 1131587) proposal entitled “Single-Step Manufacture of Affinity Nanodiscs for Drug Delivery” was granted (Aug., 9, 2011).
Mr. Joshua Lemkin, Ms. Laurelle Giovannoli and Mr. Anthony Dizon (CBE undergraduates) joined SAFN in Fall 2011.
Mr Ming Li received the “Best Presentation Award” at the 14th National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering (organized by Oak Ridge National Lab and Argonne National Lab.) during Aug. 11- 25, 2011. – Congratulations!
Mr. Andrew Hu joined SAFN for 3-month summer co-op (summer, 2011).
Prof. Nieh gave an invited presentation – “Self-Assembled Nano-Liposomes for Targeting Delivery” at Pharmaceutical Development group, Pfizer Inc. on Mar. 9, 2011.
Prof. Nieh gave an invited presentation – “Neutron Scattering – an Advanced Tool for Nanoscaled Structural Characterization” at Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on Feb. 7, 2011.
Ms. Ying Liu (a CMBE graduate student) joined SAFN (Spring, 2011).
SAFN group received UCONN large faculty grant for the research entitled “Investigation on Structural Transformation from Nanodiscs to Unilamellar Vesicles” ($25,156) on Nov, 2010
Mr. Ming Li and Ms. Hyun-Sook Jang (IMS graduate students) joined SAFN in Fall, 2010.
Prof. Nieh started his faculty position as an associate professor at IMS/CMBE, UCONN on Aug. 22, 2010